whenever its name comes up.’ Newspapers, magazines and
television news and talk shows regularly expose it for the 'flim-flam rip-off
it really is.' Major corporations who get involved go out of their way toavoid
any appearance of doing so. There is even a move in Congress to outlaw it
Now, guess: which one is the right answer?
a) Some TV ministries
b) Off-shore Investment Deals
c) Multi-Level/Network Marketing
d) None of the above
Did you pick a), b) or c)? Well, there's probably some truth
to all those choices - but none of them is the right answer.The truth is, it's
a trick question. The right answer,’d) None of the above,' WAS correct - nearly
40 years ago! Back then, that's exactly what people were saying about a
revolutionary new business concept called Franchising. In the 1960s - before
Ray Kroc and McDonalds, before Seven/Eleven, Subway, Pizza Hut, and all the
other successful franchise companies established franchising as a legitimate
industry – all of those negative things were being said and done about
franchising. Yes there was even a move in Congress to outlaw franchising.
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